P. Natalensis Spore Swab


P. Natalensis

In 1995, the species Psilocybe natalensis was officially cataloged in the world of taxonomy, a classification supported by the genetic sequencing work carried out by renowned mycologist Alan Rockefeller. This particular species shares a close biological relationship with the Psilocybe cubensis and is endemic to the grasslands found in the Natal region of South Africa. Its exceptionally high potency has earned it the nickname “Natal Super Strength”. These exotic mushroom spores are a must-have for any serious researcher.

Information for educational purposes only. Please allow up to 5 days for processing.

All spores and genetics are intended for research, microscopy, and novelty purposes only. We will cancel any order mentioning the cultivation of psilocybe research genetics. Does not contain any psychoactive alkaloids. Cannot ship to CA, IA, and GA.

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Meet Psilocybe natalensis, a one-of-a-kind psilocybin mushroom species from the Hymenogastraceae family, originally found in South Africa. With its roots tracing back to Natal, this species was recognized by science in 1995, thanks to the efforts of Jochen Gartz, Derek Reid, Michael Smith, and Albert Eicker. While it bears a striking resemblance to Psilocybe cubensis in appearance and growth parameters, it stands apart due to its unique habitat preference, less consistent annulus, and distinctive genetic sequence. The Psilocybe natalensis takes pride in its elongated, cream-colored, potent fruiting bodies. The species made its way to us via a friend from Costa Rica, who received it from a South African forager. This particular strain’s mycelium production is strikingly rhizomorphic, a trait evident in the product images.

Product Description

This P. Natalensis isolation is perfect for mycological studies and is perfect for researchers and students who require a reliable and easy-to-use genetic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the P. Natalensis genetic easy to use for laboratory applications?

A: Yes, our genetics are incredibly easy to use for microscopy and genetic research purposes. These products are explicitly intended for microscopy and genetic research. Not intended for cultivation.

Q: What laboratory applications can be performed with this spore swab?

A: Our mushroom spores can be used for a wide variety of different laboratory applications related to mycology research and study. Specifically, these genetics are a great medium for microscopy research and the study of mycelial connections.

Q: Does this contain psilocybin?

A: No. Our spores and genetics do not contain psilocybin. While some of our genetics may be derived from a psilocybe species, psilocybin does not form until the mycelium matures and reaches the hyphal knot stage. To learn more about the testing done on various stages of mycelial development see this published study: Detecting Psychoactive Drugs in the Developmental Stages of Mushrooms by Susan T. Gross.ย With that said, this genetic is explicitly sold for research purposes and we will not sell to anyone intending to cultivate this species.

Culture Medium



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